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Tag: Mikhail Epstein

THE POLITICS OF APOCALYPSE: On the Russian Anti-world

William Blake The House of Death

This article, written by Mikhail Epstein was first published in: The Politics of Apocalypse: On the Russian Anti-world. Common Knowledge (Duke UP), 29.2, 2023, pp.41-72. The book is available in Russian in both print and as an ebook at the following sources: Mikhail Epshtein. Russkii Antimir: Politika na Grani Apokalipsisa (The Russian Anti-world: Politics on the

Theses on Poor Faith

These Theses by Mikhail Epstein, translated from Russian by Jonathan Sutton, originally appeared in:  Rebuilding the Profession: Comparative Literature, Intercultural Studies and the Humanities in the Age of Globalization. Dorothy Figueira (ed.). Series: Reflections on (In)Humanity, Vol. 10. Göttingen (Germany): Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020), 191–205. The first draft of these Theses, originally written in Moscow

Mikhail Epstein’s Religion after Atheism and the Russian “Argument from Personhood”

Nesterov, Beyond the Volga, Shepherd Boy, 1922

This paper was part of the opening roundtable celebrating Mikhail Epstein at the Inaugural Conference of the Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy and Religious Thought which took place at the Northwestern University, April 2023. The roundtable included Caryl Emerson, Alyssa deBlasio, Victoria Juharyan, and the author of this paper, Randall A.

Mikhail Epstein: From Minimal Religion to Russkii Antimir

Kupala Night Henryk Siemiradzki 1880s

This paper was part of the opening roundtable celebrating Mikhail Epstein at the Inaugural Conference of the Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy and Religious Thought which took place at the Northwestern University, April 2023. The roundtable included Alyssa deBlasio, Randall A. Poole, Victoria Juharyan, and the author of this paper,