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Category: Conferences

Mikhail Epstein’s Religion after Atheism and the Russian “Argument from Personhood”

Nesterov, Beyond the Volga, Shepherd Boy, 1922

This paper was part of the opening roundtable celebrating Mikhail Epstein at the Inaugural Conference of the Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy and Religious Thought which took place at the Northwestern University, April 2023. The roundtable included Caryl Emerson, Alyssa deBlasio, Victoria Juharyan, and the author of this paper, Randall A.

Mikhail Epstein: From Minimal Religion to Russkii Antimir

Kupala Night Henryk Siemiradzki 1880s

This paper was part of the opening roundtable celebrating Mikhail Epstein at the Inaugural Conference of the Northwestern University Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy and Religious Thought which took place at the Northwestern University, April 2023. The roundtable included Alyssa deBlasio, Randall A. Poole, Victoria Juharyan, and the author of this paper,

Philosopher and Philosophy in the Time of War: Correspondence between Simon Frank and Ludwig Binswanger

These are presentation notes for a paper given at the international symposium: Russian Literature, Philosophy, and Religious Thought in a Time of Catastrophe, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Lisbon, Portugal, March 2023. Written by Gennadii Aliaiev, translated by Dr. Victor V. Chernyshov, and edited for style. To begin, I would like to present the source for my

Alexandre Kojève on Terror

This paper was given at the international symposium, Russian Literature, Philosophy, and Religious Thought in a Time of Catastrophe, which took place at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, March 2023 by Jeff Love.   Alexandre Kojève writes in Atheism (1931) that the “human being in the world” is “given to herself as a potential suicide, and