Past Programs: 2023 Recap
In summer 2023, high school students Amirat Ominode, Ishba Aftab, Razane Zebbar, Shushu Ornella, and Umer Razzak from the Chicago Math and Science Academy participated in the second year of NURPH, engaging in diverse materials science research projects. These projects included the synthesis of 2D materials, synthesis of materials for batteries, engineering of materials for extreme environments, 3D printing bone implants, and synthesis of quantum materials, respectively, all under the guidance of graduate student mentors.
In addition to their research, the students attended introductory materials science classes, developed skills in scientific communication and data analysis, and explored various STEM fields to understand their applications in higher education and careers. They also toured Argonne National Laboratory, and learned about its advanced instrumental capabilities, including the x-ray beamline. At the end of the program, the students presented their efforts and achievements in a poster session, attended by colleagues, faculty, and students from the NU Materials Science and Engineering department, and their families.