Our Research
Our work aims to elucidate the beneficial effects of radiation in healing some health diagnosis and understanding the health effects that are prevalent from environmental and catastrophic radiation dose exposures. In studying the archives of tissues, data and documentations from forty years of radiation research, we gain to leverage our studies and aid the greater scientific communities at large.
2024 Organoids research
DNA damage in an organoid exposed to custom made X-ray beam SL01. Beam “stripe” was visualized by immunostaining with γ-H2AX. Organoids were irradiated with custom made beam and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde 30 min after incubation on 37C. Immunostaining was done according to protocol from Miltenyi Biotec. Imaging was acquired using a Leica Multiphoton SP8 system equipped with two tunable lasers by SpectraPhysics. Three HyD RLD detectors were used in the ranges of 431-472 nm, 505-557 nm and 613-665 nm. The image format was of 1024x1024 pixels (442.9m x 442.9um) and a step size of 0.5 – 0.6 um. Images were obtained with an HC PL IRAPO 25x/ 1.00 NA water immersion objective (Leica). Green: γ-H2AX, Magenta: EGFR, Blue: DAPI.