Visit our YouTube channel to see Workshop, Training, and other NUANCE Videos!
Virtual facility Tours
NUANCE Facility walkthrough - Tech
Quick video of the new NUANCE space in the Technological Institute, AB wing
NUFAB Facility Tour
Tour the NUFAB space!
EPIC SEM & FIB Facility Tour - AB Wing
Tour the SEM instruments in our EPIC facility!
Keck-II Facility Tour - AB-Wing
EPIC TEM Facility Tour - J-Wing
EPIC TEM Facility Tour - AB Wing
Image Contest Interviews
Watch as Mohammad Behroozian, SHyNE Nanojournalism & Science Content producer interviews past NUANCE Image Contest winners to learn about the science behind the image!
Instrument & Education Videos
Intro to Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Learn about the differences between light microscopes and electron microscopes and see some really cool images! (K-12 audience)
JEOL 7900FLV Field Emission Gun SEM
View our interactive training module on the functioning of the JEOL 7900FLV.
NUANCE Website
Learn more about NUANCE and our amazing facilities, technical staff, and equipment on our website!
Technological Institute, 2145 Sheridan Road #A173, Evanston IL 60208
Call Us
Phone: (847) 467-2318
Fax: (847) 467-6573