Anne Zald has served as a Social Science Data Librarian (and also our Government Information Librarian) since 2013. She works with faculty and students to source social science data for their research and teaching. The Libraries subscribe to a wealth of resources in the social sciences, and today Anne has selected one resource to share.
Indiastat is a repository of secondary-level socio-economic statistical information about India. This data portal is updated weekly with statistical information about many facets of India, its states, regions, and sectors.
The data provided in this portal is derived from reports, statistical publications and other ministerial releases from the government of India and its states, semi-government departments, autonomous and trade bodies, parliament question-answers, and other material.
Topical areas include economics, agriculture, consumer affairs, environment, industries, infrastructure, companies, education, health, housing, labor, government, media and more.
Visit our website to learn more about social science data services, or contact Anne directly at