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Library Course Reserve Service Updates to Faculty

We live in extraordinary times. And the Libraries have already taken extraordinary steps to respond to COVID-19.

As we continue looking for creative ways to serve our students and faculty in spring 2020, we need to make necessary changes to our Course Reserves. This heavily-used service, which ensures our students have access to many classroom materials through the Libraries, must move to entirely digital delivery for the start of spring quarter. This means we cannot handle physical items now, and cannot create new scans of materials.

Here’s how this might affect you:

Have you used Canvas and Course Reserves previously to teach a specific course?

No problem. Just copy the links to the materials you used before; all your previous scans and streams will be available.

Do you need to add new digital resources to your Canvas course?

When you find e-books, journal articles, streaming videos, or other online library resources, look for permalinks that can be added to your course. This helpful video explains how.

Do you need help finding digital resources for your course?

Contact your librarian subject specialist for help identifying digital alternatives for physical materials. Though it won’t be possible to provide equivalent online resources for all our physical materials, the Libraries have extensive digital collections. We are committed to helping you locate and make the most of the online resources we have available.

We will resume scanning of text and capture when we return to campus. Thank you for your understanding, flexibility, and perseverance!