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“Architecture in Africa” Exhibit in the Herskovits Library

Architecture in African poster

The Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies invites you to visit “Architecture in Africa,” our new exhibit in 5 East for fall quarter. Our display cases feature information about both traditional and modern forms of architecture in Africa. We also have an iPad display of contemporary African architectural projects, and our new “Further Reading” shelf is loaded with books on this topic, ready for check out. (There’s even a Star Wars-related Easter egg in one of the cases, for careful readers!)


Teleuk built by Apaïdi Toulouk, Mourlà, Cameroon, 1995. From From Cameroon to Paris: Mousgoum Architecture in & out of Africa.

Teleuk built by Apaïdi Toulouk, Mourlà, Cameroon, 1995. From From Cameroon to Paris: Mousgoum Architecture in & out of Africa.


Architecture further readings

Our new “face-out” display shelf allows you to easily see and check out books related to our exhibits.

“Architecture in Africa” will be on display through the end of the Fall 2016 quarter.