Sabrina Lee









Dr. Sabrina Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences at Northwestern University in the Feinberg School of Medicine.

Her area of interest is neuro-musculoskeletal mechanics in individuals with neurological and motor impairments such as stroke, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injury.  This includes how changes in musculoskeletal architecture and material properties as well as recruitment patterns of different motor unit types contribute to altered movement. With both human and animal work, the fundamental mechanisms behind these changes is explored.  In addition, this forms the basis for proposing clinical tools used to aid in diagnosing and implementing interventions for individuals with CP, stroke, and SCI.


  • B.S. Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • M.S. Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
  • Ph. D Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA


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