02/08: Serge Cantat

Stationary measures on real projective surface

Abstract:  Consider a real projective surface X(\mathbb R), and a group \Gamma acting by algebraic diffeomorphisms on X(\mathbb R).  If \nu is a probability measure on \Gamma, one can randomly and independently choose elements f_j in \Gamma and look at the random orbits x, f_1(x), f_2(f_1(x)), … How do these orbits distribute on the surface?  This is directly related to the classification of stationary measures on X(\mathbb R).  I will describe recent results on this problem, all obtained in collaboration with Romain Dujardin.  The main ingredients will be ergodic theory, notably the work of Brown and Rodriguez-Hertz, algebraic geometry, and complex analysis. Concrete geometric examples will be given.