06/29: Danijela Damjanovic

Global rigidity of some partially hyperbolic abelian actions

Abstract: We consider abelian actions with sufficiently many partially hyperbolic elements and compact center foliation with trivial holonomy and leaves of dimension ≤ 2. Under some extra conditions we obtain that the action is essentially a product over affine Anosov action or even essentially algebraic. I will explain in the talk all these notions and some of the mechanisms in the proof. This is joint work with Amie Wilkinson and Disheng Xu.



07/06: Rémi Boutonnet

On the unitary dual of higher rank semi-simple lattices

Abstract: In this talk, based on joint work with Cyril Houdayer, I
will present a curious property of the unitary representations of
lattices in semi-simple higher rank Lie groups: either they contain a
finite dimensional invariant subspace or they are factorizations of
the regular representation, in a strong sense. I will explain how this
result generalizes and unifies recent advances in operator algebras.
Our approach relies on ergodic theory and stationary dynamical



06/22: Karin Melnick

A D’Ambra Theorem in conformal Lorentzian geometry

Abstract: D’Ambra proved in 1988 that the isometry group of a compact, simply connected, real-analytic Lorentzian manifold must be compact. I will discuss my recent theorem that the conformal group of such a manifold must also be compact, and how it relates to the Lorentzian Lichnerowicz Conjecture.

06/15: Amir Mohammadi

Geodesic planes in hyperbolic 3-manifolds 

Abstract: Let M be a hyperbolic 3-manifold, a geodesic plane in M is a totally geodesic immersion of the hyperbolic plane into M. In this talk we will give an overview of some results which highlight how geometric, topological, and arithmetic properties of M affect the behavior of geodesic planes in M. This talk is based on joint works.