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Ask MSA-Friendship Fizzler

Dear MSA,

I have a friend that I have had really great and cherished memories with, but we are starting to grow distant for no reason in particular. Should I do something or just let it fizzle?

-Friendship Fizzler

Dear Friendship Fizzler,

Without knowing any specifics about why your friendship is fizzling, I suggest trusting your gut. If you feel like you and this person are growing apart, it may be time to reflect on what you are getting out of this relationship and the amount of energy you are putting into it. After weighing the balance of energy in the relationship, you may find the scales tip one way or another and there you have your answer.

If you find it is time to let the relationship fizzle, that is okay. You still have the memories of cherished moments spent with that person. Those experiences are real and will always be real. Those experiences have shaped you into the person you are today.

Growth comes with change. That might be a frightening prospect to consider. The unknown future can be scary. Consider the caterpillar shedding its old body to become the butterfly, or the snake shedding its old skin to make room for new growth. Shedding the old is a part of clearing the way for your future fabulous self. Perhaps you are ready for some growing pains, FF. Remember, old friendships help to prepare us for new – and hopefully even better – friendships.

If your interest is waning in the relationship, you might find it helpful to have a conversation with your friend. If you value this person, there is nothing wrong with open and honest dialogue. Perhaps they are feeling the same way and will be relieved to know that they are not the only one. A chat over tea to air things out might even clear the path toward a renewed version of your friendship. However, if you are feeling ghosted, you may have your answer already, and a convo might not be worth it. Again, consider how much energy you want to put into this. As I said earlier, let your intuition guide you. You’ll find the right solution. Good luck, Friendships Fizzler.


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