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Data sets

YearWhat is it?Relevant publicationLinkNotes
2003Sociolinguistic data: what fraction of the population speaks each language over time.D.M. Abrams and S.H. Strogatz. "Modelling the dynamics of language death," Nature 424 (6951), 900 (2003). [doi:10.1038/424900a] alllanguagedata4Nine folders: Alsacien, Bolivia, Brunei, Canadafrench, Irish, Quechua, Scotch, Singapore, Welsh
2007Oil production data: volume produced and number of wells by year for four large fieldsR.H. Wiener and D.M. Abrams, "A physical basis for Hubbert's decline from the midpoint empirical model of oil production," WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 105, 377 (2007). [doi:10.2495/ESUS070371] oil data and code to share
2009LIDAR data sets used in study of seepage-driven channel growth.Abrams et al, "Growth laws for channel networks incised by groundwater flow," Nature Geoscience 2, 193 (2009). [doi:10.1038/ngeo432] (file "" to big, to be added later)orig = original LIDAR data, ref = reflown (assumed better).
2011Historical changes in rate of religious affiliation in a variety of countries and/or regions around the worldD.M. Abrams, H.A. Yaple, and R.J. Wiener, "Dynamics of social group competition: Modeling the decline of religious affiliation," Physical Review Letters 107, 088701 (2011). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.088701] religion_data_to_shareThis is just the extracted data. Original census record scans that data came from total ~750 MB and are available upon request.
2012Data on fraction left-handed among top batters throughout history of Major League Baseball.D.M. Abrams and M.J. Panaggio, "A model balancing cooperation and competition can explain our right-handed world and the dominance of left-handed athletes," Journal of the Royal Society Interface 09 (75), 2718-2722 (2012). [doi:10.1098/rsif.2012.0211] baseball_dataNote that other data from the paper are contained in a supplementary table published with the paper.
2014Korean internal migration data by family nameS.H. Lee, R. Ffrancon, D.M. Abrams, B.J. Kim and M.A. Porter, "Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match: Migration of populations via marriages in the past," Physical Review X 4, 041009 (2014). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevX.4.041009] (to be compiled)
2015Smoking prevalence and tobacco consumption
data by country, over time
J.C. Lang, D.M. Abrams, and H. De Sterck, "The influence of societal individualism on a century of tobacco use: modelling the prevalence of smoking," BMC Public Health 15:1280, 1-13 (2015). [doi:10.1186/s12889-015-2576-6] (included as supplement to publication, to be added here)
2016Animal ornament size samples (various species)S.M. Clifton, R.I. Braun, and D.M. Abrams, "Handicap principle implies emergence of dimorphic ornaments," Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283, 1970 (2016). [doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.1970] Clifton Braun and Abrams - Handicap principle implies emergence of dimorphic ornaments - RSPB 283, 1970 (2016) - dataAlso archived with publication. Publication's ESM contains details of sources and some additional summary data.
2017Data on obesity rates and year-year BMI changes in the USJ.C. Lang, H. De Sterck, and D.M. Abrams, "The statistical mechanics of human weight change," PLOS ONE 12, 0189795 (2017). [doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0189795]. Get data files (csv) from Code is published with paper and here.Data are too big for Wordpress at the moment, but available at Dryad (see link).
2019Annual crimes committed by type and by size of MSAV.C. Yang, A.V. Papachristos, and D.M. Abrams, "Modeling the origin of urban-output scaling laws," Physical Review E 100, 032306 (2019). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.100.032306].urban_productivity_scaling_laws_data_and_codeThe same set of files is also available from Vicky's Github (referenced in paper).
2020US legislator ideological positions over timeV.C. Yang, D.M. Abrams, G. Kernell, and A.E. Motter, "Why are US parties so polarized? A 'satisficing' dynamical model," SIAM Review 62(3), 646-657 (2020). [doi:10.1137/19M1254246]. satisficing_election_model_data_and_code, House_and_Senate_legislator_data_file, and House_and_Senate_legislator_data_file_headersThe same set of files is also available from Vicky's Github (referenced in paper) and the paper's supplementary material.