Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Behrman, J.A. and Weitzman, A. (2022) Point of reference: A multi-sited exploration of African migration and fertility in France. International Migration Review. International Migration Review, 56(3): 911-940
- Behrman, J.A., Eilers, M., McLoughlin-Brooks, I., and Weitzman, A. (2022) International Migration and Modern Contraceptive Use: A Research Note on African Migrants to France. Demography, 59(1):27–36
- Behrman, J.A., Buyukakbas, E., and Weitzman, A. Migrating to New Contraceptive Contexts: The Case of Turkish Migrants to France. (2022). Socius, 8.
- Okai, E., and Behrman, J.A. Identificationational Orientations Among Three Generations of African Migrants in France. (2023). Social Forces, 102(1): 63-91.
- Weitzman, A.,Behrman, J.A. and Ascherio, M. Quantitative Data Availability and Measurement of U.S. Immigrant and Immigration Policies: IMR Methods Note. Forthcoming at International Migration Review
Working Papers
- Behrman, J.A., Buyukakbas, E., and Weitzman, A. Migrating to New Contraceptive Contexts: The Case of Turkish Migrants to France. Open Science Framework Working Paper
- Okai, E., and Behrman, J.A. Identificationational Orientations Among Three Generations of African Migrants in France. Institute for Policy Research WP 22-30
- Behrman, J.A. Ideal Families in Flux: Change and Variation in the United States
- Behrman, J.A. and Weitzman, A. State-Level Immigrant Policies and Ideal Family Size in the United State
- Behrman, J.A. and Weitzman, A. Point of reference: A multi-sited exploration of African migration and fertility in France. Institute for Policy Research WP 20-09
Public Sociology