Oral Program
Frances Searle Building, room 3-417
Chair: Jennifer Cole
1:30 PM Marco Fonseca, U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The role of the lexicon in the perception of different Japanese sound categories by L2 learners [pdf]
1:55 PM Drew McLaughlin & Kristin van Engen, Washington U in St. Louis
Effortful Listening to Accented Speech: A Foundational Study Using Pupillometry [pdf]
2:20 PM Hanyong Park, U Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Perceived talker similarity in perceptual training of Korean laryngeal contrasts [pdf]
2:45 PM Break
Chair: Timo Roettger
3:00 PM Hikaru Kumon, U Wisconsin-Madison
A Contrastive Hierarchy of Biblical Hebrew Obstruents: Observations from Consonantal Co-occurrence Restrictions [pdf]
3:25 PM Nicole Mirea & Klinton Bicknell, Northwestern U
Computationally Assessing the Usefulness of Distinctive Features for Phonotactic Learning [pdf]
3:50 PM Jahnavi Narkar, Wayne State U
Half-Rhymes in Popular Music: Similarity of Features and the P-map [pdf]
4:15 PM Break
Chair: Eleanor Chodroff
4:30 PM Nancy Caplow, Oklahoma State U
Reflexes of fundamental frequency as an acoustic correlate of stress in Rebkong Amdo Tibetan [pdf]
4:55 PM Jiseung Kim, U Michigan
Individual differences in the production of prosodic boundaries in American English [pdf]
5:20 PM End of oral sessions
6:00 PM Party with Dinner
Frances Searle Building, room 1-421
Breakfast on your own
Chair: Matt Goldrick
9:30 AM Ander Beristain, U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Neutralization of palatals based on bilingual-dominance in Basque and Spanish [pdf]
9:55 AM Jennifer Zhang & Clara Martin, U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The effects of L1/L2 phoneme inventories on L3 perception [pdf]
10:20 AM Scott Nelson, Michigan State U
Lexical retuning is not the same as audio-visual retuning: the former generalizes better [pdf]
10:45 AM Break
Chair: Kristin van Engen
11:00 AM Sarah Bakst, U Wisconsin-Madison; John Houde, UCSF; Susan Lin & Keith Johnson, UC Berkeley
Native language differences in adaptation to altered auditory feedback [pdf]
11:25 AM Anya Lunden, College of William and Mary
Factors of perceptibility of glides in hiatus [pdf]
11:50 AM Julia Strand, Violet Brown, Dennis Barbour, Washington U in St. Louis
Talking points: A modulating circle reduces listening effort without improving speech [pdf]
12:15 – 12:45 PM Lunch (catered, boxed)
12:25-12:40 PM Business meeting (bring your lunch)
12:45 PM Posters (see listing below)
Chair: Annette D’Onofrio
2:15 PM Stephanie Landblom & José I. Hualde, U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Conditions on nuclear accent placement in English: Intuitions and production [pdf]
2:40 PM Rajiv Rao & Matthew Burner, U Wisconsin-Madison
How Do Paisas Sound?: A Look into Colombian Spanish Intonation Phonology [pdf]
3:05 PM Timo Roettger & Jennifer Cole, Northwestern U
Michael Franke, University of Osnabrück
Prediction and adaptation in intonational processing [pdf]
3:30 PM Break
Chair: Jennifer Cole
3:45 PM Feier Gao, Indiana U
Prosodic Mismatch in Northeastern Mandarin Reduplicative Ideophones [pdf]
4:10 PM San Duanmu, U Michigan
Manner Features and Natural Classes [pdf]
4:35 PM Stuart Davis, Indiana U
English Hypocoristics Meet Schwa Syncope: Explaining an Apparent Contradiction [pdf]
5:00 PM End of oral sessions
Frances Searle Building, 3rd floor hallway
(Saturday, 12:45-2:15)
Aaron Aalbin, Kobe U
Wil Rankinen, Grand Valley State U
A heuristic for empirically determining the monophthong-diphthong distinction [pdf]
David Bolter, Indiana U
Vowel Prothesis before /r/ revisited: Acoustics and Typology [pdf]
Eleanor Chodroff, Alaina Arthurs, Priya Kurian, Jonah Pazol & Jennifer Cole, Northwestern U
Categorical and gradient effects of information structure on nuclear prominence in American English [pdf]
Andrea Cudworth, U Wisconsin-Madison
Menominee Vowels: A First Acoustic Analysis [pdf]
Chien-Han Hsiao, Indiana U
Percptual cues for Mandarin-Taiwanese Code-switching [pdf]
Young Hwang, Samson Lotven & Kelly Berkson, Indiana U
Pitch accent and the three-way laryngeal contrast in North Kyungsang Korean [pdf]
Dong Jin Kim, Jieun Lee & Hanyong Park, U Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Some candidates for evaluating fluency, accentedness, comprehensibility, and pleasantness of non-native speech [pdf]
Jiseung Kim, Andries Coetzee, Lorenzo Garcia-Amaya, Nicholas Henriksen, U Michigan
Daan Wissing, North-West U (South Africa)
A comparative analysis of transitional gliding in Patagonian and South-African Afrikaans [pdf]
Sabina Maniak & Kristin Van Engen, Washington U in St. Louis
Phoneme Adaptation from Exposure to Accented Speech [pdf]
Ho Eun Park, U Wisconsin-Milwaukee
What is weak? And what is weaker?: Underspecified lexicon of /h/ and coronals [pdf]
Tom Purnell, Eric Raimy, Joe Salmons, Alexey Samsonov, Julia Velikina, Ethan Brodsky, Douglas Dean, Steven Kecskemeti & Andy Alexander, U Wisconsin-Madison
Dynamic MRI Imaging of the larynx during speech [pdf]
Iman Sheydaei Baghdadeh, U Wisconsin-Madison
A diachronic analysis of Persian vowels: From Early New Persian to the contemporary three natioal dialects [pdf]
Glen Starr, U Wisconsin-Madison
Feature Reassembly in L2 Acquisition of Phonological Inventories – Mandarin to English [pdf]
James Wamsley, Indiana U
Allophony in Luzhou Mandarin High Vowels [pdf]
Yu Lan, Indiana U
The comparisons of English tense-lax vowel contrasts perceived by English monolingual children and Mandarin-English bilingual children [pdf]