
Voter Bias and the Partisan Gender-Gap in Office.” Sara Saltzer* and Mary C. McGrath. Political Behavior. 2024.

Political sectarianism in America.” Eli J. Finkel, Christopher A. Bail, Mina Cikara, Peter H. Ditto, Shanto Iyengar, Samara Klar, Lilliana Mason, Mary C. McGrath, Brendan Nyhan, David G. Rand, Linda J. Skitka, Joshua A. Tucker, Jay J. Van Bavel, Cynthia S. Wang, James N. Druckman. Science. 2020. 370(6516): 533-536.

Experiments on Problems of Climate Change.” Mary C. McGrath. Advances in Experimental Political Science. 2020. Druckman, J., & Green, D. (Eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Experimental evidence for a pure collaboration effect.” Mary C. McGrath and Alan S. Gerber. Nature Human Behaviour. 2019. 3: 354–360.

The evidence for motivated reasoning in climate change preference formation.” James N. Druckman and Mary C. McGrath. Nature Climate Change. 2019. 9: 111–119.

Economic Behavior and the Partisan Perceptual Screen.” Mary C. McGrath. Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 2017. 11(4): 363-383.
          Interview with Anthony Fowler, Not Another Politics Podcast, August 11, 2021

Ideologically Extreme Candidates in U.S. Presidential Elections, 1948–2012.” Marty Cohen, Mary C. McGrath, Peter Aronow, and John Zaller. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 2016. 667(September): 126-142.

The Dynamic Election: Patterns of Early Voting across Time, State, Party, and Age.” Vivekinan Ashok, Daniel Feder, Mary C. McGrath, and Eitan Hersh. Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy. 2016. 15(2): 115-128.

Chocolate Scents and Product Sales: A Randomized Controlled Trial in a Canadian Bookstore and Cafe.” Mary C. McGrath, Peter M. Aronow, and Vivien Shotwell. SpringerPlus. 2016.5:670.

Field Experiments and the Study of Voter Turnout.” Donald P. Green, Mary C. McGrath, and Peter M. Aronow. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties. 2013. 23(1): 27-48.

*student co-author

Working Papers

“Group Identification in the Collaboration Effect: The Role of Racial Out-Group Status and Cultural Worldview.” Mary C. McGrath

“Social vs. Efficiency-based Processes of Opinion Formation: Shifting Opinion on Climate Change” Mary C. McGrath

“Instrumentality and the Voter’s Paradox: A Laboratory Experiment on the Turnout Decision” Mary C. McGrath