Approved September 4, 2020
Article I: Name
The name of this group shall be Mixed Backgrounds and Origins Staff Space (MBOSS).
Article II: Purpose
The Mixed Backgrounds and Origins Staff Space (MBOSS) creates a welcoming environment for all Northwestern staff while centering the experiences of multiracial, mixed-race, and biracial individuals. The group fosters belonging, builds community, and encourages deeper conversations about the multiracial experience and its impact within broader social contexts.
Article III: Membership
- Membership in this organization is open to any Northwestern staff member. We center the experiences of those who self-identifies as multiracial, multiethnic, or otherwise mixed. This includes but is not limited to people who identify as two or more races and people who identify as Hispanic and another origin.
- Members will receive email updates, may attend all open events, may participate on committees, and may seek Board positions.
- Each member shall be entitled to one vote.
Article IV: Board Positions
- Board Positions
- Co-Chair (2)
- Responsible for meeting coordination and agendas, external communication to the broader NU community, liaising with OIDI, and setting the vision and direction for the organization
- Dual role to ensure one can always be present at meetings to steer content and drive conversation
- Communication/Recruitment
- Responsible for maintaining listserv, sending communications, driving recruitment, and maintaining website
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Responsible for keeping meeting minutes and managing finances
- Board Members At-Large (3)
- Additional board members that will assist in decision making and long-term plans for the group
- Available to handle ad hoc committee work
- Three open positions, but can explore expansion as needs arise
- Co-Chair (2)
- Board terms shall be 1 year and are renewable.
- Any Board member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Co-Chairs. Such resignation shall take effect on the date of receipt. The Board will have the discretion to fill any vacancies created between elections.
Article V: Committees
The Officers shall have the authority to establish and dissolve committees to conduct activities consistent with the purpose of the organization.
- Committees must be comprised of at least one board member; members must remain active throughout their committee service.
- Committee meetings will take place separate from board and officer meetings, if needed; minutes/report-outs from committee meetings must be submitted to the board; actions beyond the original direction provided at the formation of the committee must be approved by the board before organizational sponsorship, financial resources, or leadership are allocated to the shifted purpose.
Article VI: Nominations and Voting
- Elections for board positions will be conducted by an online survey.
- Nominations will occur in May, voting in June, transition in July, and positions confirmed on 8/1. The exact dates of the election will be communicated to the membership.
- Nominations can be submitted by current board members or by general members, themselves.
- Simple majorities of votes cast will determine the results.
- If a board position opens before the term is completed, a mid-year call for nominations can be held.
Article VII: Amendments
Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote (2/3 or 66%) of the membership. The proposed amendment must be distributed in writing to the full membership at least one week before the vote.
- Amendments may be proposed by any active member to the board through an open call for consideration by the board. Amendments may also be presented to the board by an active board member at any scheduled board meeting.
- Amendments may only be presented to the group membership for vote with 66% (2/3) approval by the board.
- Adoption of new amendments requires membership ratification. Majority vote by all responding members, with a minimum 40% (2/5) membership participation rate, will constitute a successful membership ratification.
- Presented amendments for membership vote must allow for a minimum of 3 weeks for member consideration. Amendment determination must be communicated to the membership within the fiscal year it was proposed.