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Courbon G, Francis C, Gerber C, Neuburg S, Wang X, Lynch E, Isakova T, Babitt J, Wolf M, Martin A, David V. Lipocalin 2 stimulates bone fibroblast growth factor 23 production in chronic kidney disease. Bone Res. 2021 Aug 2;9(1):35. 
PMCID: PMC8326281


Gerber C, Wang X, David V, Quaggin S, Isakova T, Martin A. Long-Term Effects of Sglt2 Deletion on Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Mice. JBMR Plus, 2021 Jul 6;5(8):e10526.
PMCID: PMC8328801

Martin A, Kentrup D. The Role of DMP1 in CKD-MBD. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2021 Jul 31. Online ahead of print.

Isakova T, Martin A. Editorial: A humble way forward amid hype and hope. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2021 Jul 1;30(4):385-386.


Martin A, David V. Transcriptomics: a Solution for Renal Osteodystrophy? Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2020 ePub ahead of print.

Li H, Jing Y, Zhang R, Wang J, Martin A, Feng JQ. Hypophosphatemic rickets accelerate chondrogenesis and cell trans-differentiation from TMJ chondrocytes into bone cells via a sharp increase in β-catenin. Bone, 131:115151. 2020


Francis C, Courbon G, Gerber C, Neuburg S, Wang X, Dussold C, Capella M, Qi L, Isakova T, Mehta R, Martin A, Wolf M, David V. Ferric citrate reduces FGF23 and improves renal and cardiac function in a mouse model of CKD. Kidney Int, 96(6):1346-58. 2019
PMCID: PMC6875640

Martin A. Bone and Heart Health in CKD: Role of DMP1. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 28(4):297-303, 2019.

Dussold C, Gerber C, White S, Wang X, Qi L, Francis C, Capella M, Courbon G, Liu Y, Li C, Feng JQ, Isakova T, Wolf M, David V, Martin A. DMP1 Prevents Osteocyte Alterations, FGF23 Elevations and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Mice with CKD. Bone Research. 7:12. eCollection 2019


Neuburg S, Dussold C, Gerber C, Wang X, Francis C, Qi L, David V, Wolf M, Martin A. Genetic Background Influences Cardiac Phenotype in Murine Chronic Kidney Disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 33(7):1129-1137. 2018


Leaf D, Jacob K, Srivastava A, Chen M, Christov M, Jüppner H, Sabbisetti V, Martin A, Wolf M, Waikar S. FGF23 is associated with acute kidney injury and death in critically ill patients. J Am Soc Nephrol, 28(6):1877-85. 2016

Wysocki J, Ye M, Khattab AM, Fogo A, Martin A, David NV, Kanwar Y, Osborn M, Battlle, D. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 amplification limited to the circulation does not protect mice from development of diabetic nephropathy. Kidney Int, 91(6):1336-46. 2016

David V, Martin A, Isakova T, Zumbrenner-Bullough K, Sun CC, Lin HY, Babitt JL, Wolf M. Inflammation and functional iron deficiency regulate FGF23 production. Kidney Int, 89(1):135-46. 2016

Lavet C, Martin A, Linossier MT, Bossche AV, Laroche N, Thomas M, Gerbaix M, Ammann P, Fraissenon A, Lafage-Proust MH, Courteix D, Vico L. Fat and Sucrose Intake Induces Obesity-related Bone Metabolism Disturbances: Kinetic and Reversibility Studies in Growing and Adult Rats. J Bone Miner Res, 31(1):98-115. 2016


Portale AA, Zhang MY, David V, Martin A, Jiao Y, Gu W, Perwad F. Characterization of FGF23-Dependent Egr-1 Cistrome in the Mouse Renal Proximal Tubule. PLoS One, 10(11):e0142924. 2015

Grabner A, Amaral AP, Schramm K, Singh S, Sloan A, Yanucil C, Li J, Shehadeh LA, Hare JM, David V, Martin A, Fornoni A, Di Marco GS, Kentrup D, Reuter S, Mayer AB, Pavenstädt H, Stypmann J, Kuhn C, Hille S, Frey N, Leifheit-Nestler M, Richter B, Haffner D, Abraham R, Bange J, Sperl B, Ullrich A, Brand M, Wolf M, Faul C. Activation of Cardiac Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4 Causes Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. Cell Metab, 22(6):1020-32. 2015

Previous Work from our PI

David V, Dai B, Martin A, Huang J, Han X, Quarles LD. Calcium Regulates FGF-23 Expression in Bone. Endocrinology, 154(12):4469-82, 2013.

Martin A, David V, Quarles LD. Regulation and function of the FGF23/Klotho endocrine pathways. Physiol Rev, 92(1):131-55, 2012.

Martin A, Quarles LD. Evidence for FGF23 involvement in a bone-kidney axis regulating bone mineralization and systemic phosphate and vitamin D homeostasis. « Emerging Concepts in Endocrine FGFs and Klothos »-Landes Bioscience and Springer Science. Adv Exp Med Biol, 728:65-83, 2012.

Dai B, David V, Martin A, Huang J, Li H, Jiao Y, Gu W, Quarles LD. A Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Identifying FGF23 Regulated Genes in the Kidney of a Mouse CKD Model. PLoS One, 7(9):e44161, 2012.

Martin A, David V, Li H, Dai B, Feng JQ, Quarles LD. Overexpression of the DMP1 C-terminal Fragment Stimulates FGF23 and Exacerbates the Hypophosphatemic Rickets Phenotype in Hyp mice. Mol Endocrinol, 26(11):1883-95, 2012.

Mackenzie NC, Zhu D, Milne EM, van’t Hof R, Martin A, Quarles LD, Milan JL, Farquharson C, Macrae VE. Altered Bone Development and an Increase in FGF-23 Expression in Enpp1 Mice. PLoS One, 7(2):e32177, 2012.

Martin A, Liu S, David V, Li H, Feng J, Quarles LD. Bone proteins PHEX and DMP1 Regulate Fibroblastic Growth Factor Fgf23 Expression in Osteocytes through a Common Pathway Involving FGF receptor (FGFR) Signaling. FASEB J, 25(8):2551-62, 2011.

Martin A, David V, Hedge AM, Drezner MK, Rowe PS. ASARM peptides: PHEX-dependent and independent regulation of serum phosphate. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 300(3):F783-91, 2011.

Martin A, Li H, David V, Quarles LD. Compound deletion of FGFR3 and FGFR4 Partially Rescues the Hyp Mouse Phenotype. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 300(3):E508-17, 2011.

Martin A, Quarles LD. The actors in phosphate metabolism and bone mineral homeostasis: Meeting Report from the 31st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. IBMS BoneKEy, 6(11):455-8, 2009.

Martin A, David V, Hedge AM, Rowe PS. MEPE is a new bone renal hormone and vascularization modulator. Endocrinology, 150(9):4012-23, 2009.

Martin A, David V, Laurence JS, Schwarz PM, Lafer EM, Hedge AM, Rowe PS. Degradation of MEPE, DMP1, and release of SIBLING ASARM-peptides (minhibins): ASARM-peptide(s) are directly responsible for defective mineralization in HYP. Endocrinology, 149(4):1757-72, 2008.

Martin A, David V, Vico L, Thomas T. Impaired energetic metabolism consecutive to central leptin signaling leads to massive appendicular bone loss in hindlimb suspended rats. J Bone Miner Res, 23(12):2040-7, 2008.

David V, Guignandon A, Martin A, Malaval L, Lafage-Proust MH, Rattner A, Mann V, Noble B, Jones DB, Vico L. Ex Vivo bone formation in bovine trabecular bone cultured in a dynamic 3D bioreactor is enhanced by compressive mechanical strain. Tissue Eng Part A, 14(1):117-26, 2008.

Thomas T, Martin A. Pathways regulating bone formation: a complex network. J Soc Biol, 202(4):257-64, 2008.

Thomas T, Martin A, Lafage-Proust MH. Physiologie du tissu osseux. Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale de l’Appareil Locomoteur, 2007, EMC (Elsevier. Masson SAS, Paris).

Martin A, David V, Malaval L, Lafage-Proust MH, Vico L, Thomas T. Opposite effects of leptin on bone metabolism: a dose-dependent balance related to energy intake and insulin-like growth factor-I pathway. Endocrinology, 148(7):3419-25, 2007.

David V, Martin A, Lafage-Proust MH, Malaval L, Peyroche S, Jones DB, Vico L, Guignandon A. Mechanical loading down-regulates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in bone marrow stromal cells and favors osteoblastogenesis at the expense of adipogenesis. Endocrinology, 148(5):2553-62, 2007.

Thomas T, Martin A. Métabolisme osseux et balance énergétique : rôle de la leptine. Rev Rhum, 72:884-6, 2005.

Thomas T, Martin A. Bone metabolism and energetic balance: a role for leptin. Joint Bone Spine, 6:471-3, 2005.

Martin A. La leptine, une hormone ostéo-protectrice? Un nouveau vaccin thérapeutique. INSERM Actualités Web magazine n°188, “Actualités scientifiques”, 2005.

Martin A, de Vittoris R, David V, Moraes R, Begeot M, Lafage-Proust MH, Alexandre C, Vico L, Thomas T. Leptin modulates both resorption and formation while preventing disuse-induced bone loss in tail-suspended female rats. Endocrinology, 146(8):3652-9, 2005.

Our Patents

Martin A, Wolf M, David V. Amelioration of Chronic Kidney Disease. US patent #10377801 issued 08/13/2019

Rowe PSN, Martin A, David V, Forrest L, Moulder KR, Cai S, Aires D. Compounds and Methods for increasing hair growth. US patent #10213479 issued 02/26/2019