The Night He Came — Project 1

The Night He Came



For this project, the concept I started off with was about two siblings that end up hiding in a closet while an unknown intruder hunts them down. For this I had my two young cousins that would voice the two brothers, but I found it much easier to work with just the older brother. So instead of two brothers the narrative would be about a mother and her son.


First off I made a mood board to visualize the concept as well as a sonic mood board



Next I scoured diffrent websites such as Epidemic Sound, Envato Elements, Pixabay and downloaded everything and anything I thought would be useful. I knew that I wanted my soundscape to show that there are two diffrent points of views. Therefore I focused on creating the different atmospheres/locations. For the room, I used air conditioning (link to sound) as room tone almost. And for the intruder I found a mining audio (link to audio) that I used to add intensity and some kind of anxiety. To show that the intruder went in-between rooms I used audios such as neighborhood atmosphere, public bathroom room tone, light bulb buzz, freezer and different flooring.



It was important to focus on conveying the space that the intruder walked through and how it  got effected by his presence. One of the things that I changed was the weapon he had, instead of a knife that sounded dramatic I switch it out for a gun. For the other point of view I used a hanger sounds and a clock ticking since they were in a closet.


For the ending I decided not to used a gunshot sound and instead end with their screams. I did end the sound with a female sigh, it was suppose represent the helplessness the mother felt of her life being ended. But looking back I don’t think it was needed, ending the sound with just a decay of the phone ringing would have been enough.


I wasn’t sure what would be the most efficient way to make a two point view sound, what I ended up doing was first making the intruder sound and then cutting when whenever it would be the mother and son.

But when it came to transitioning between the two locations, I maintained the sound that was just heard from the intruder but it be lower. For instance, when the garage was opened and we went into the mother and son point of view the garage sound was maintained but it was lower.



Screenshot of the sounds I downloaded-



What happens:

An abusive father breaks into his ex’s home with a gun. As he opens the garage his wife gets alerted and hides in the closet with her son. The intruder walks from the garage into the house and the kitchen where he looks through drawers, and eventually he slowly walks up the stairs. He reaches the bedroom where he knocks the door softly. However the mom cell phone begins to ring, this escalates the situation into the intruder bashing the door and getting to them.

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