Project 2 — “Trippy Animation by Anthony Francisco Schepperd”

When looking for an animation for this project, I loved this one by Anthony Schepperd. I loved how frankly weird it is, but past that the message is also something that  I loved about it.

I found out from a reddit post that this video is actually a music video for a band called Blockhead “The Music Scene” and what I had seen was a mix on the original can be found here. Youtube comments pointed out how the video was a “social criticism, about how we are enslaved by social media” (by Sandres png) another comment said “I never noticed the blatant hints towards the ideas of technological slavery and natural selection” (by Nev Duv).

I love when projects are obscure and somewhat fantastical, it makes the process of creating nonrestrictive.

I started working on the beginning of this project and then took a break before coming back to work on the end.

For the beginning I took the advice from this article of using meat slices sounds for the growing vines, I used spine cracking noises for some little details of the growing vines to make it more polished. I mixed these more “real” sounds with man made mechanical sounds as the sonic pallet of the vines.

Throughout the project i heavily depended on sci-fi as a genre. I also liked using a variety of swooshes, reverses, telepot, explosions and transformations. To set the environment I used drones and suspenses for switching tones.

Something I had to experiment with was balancing diegetic sounds with non-diegetic sounds. I ended up depending a bit more on non-diegetic sounds after the “switch” marker as things got progressively weirder.

While working I found it helpful getting feedback from my brothers, who helped me invasion what scenes sounded like (such as the visuals at the “morphing” marker). Other feedback from Dr. Striker included making explosions bigger and the eye blinks sound squishier.

There are aspects such as explosions and the ending that I plan on changing either because they’re late or the sound isn’t balanced. In total I used 298 audio files for this project.


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