ʻIlm and Maʻrifa

Entry #2

During week four, we focused on Ghazali’s reading “Elaboration of the marvels of the heart”. To be honest I was surprised to see a more religious reading. I feel like that might be due to fear of offending others beliefs, as well as us usually being exposed to more western texts. But it turned to be a very informative and eye opening reading. I was also impressed by the sensitivity that some of my classmates approached their opinions with. The reading for me however was somewhat challenging to read because of the density of it.

From Ghazali’s reading, we focused on the difference between knowledge (ʻilm) and cogence (maʻrifa). One originating from heart, and the other from the mind. Knowledge is that that is fed to us. Similarly to what we learnt that is practiced in the banking method of teaching. While cogence is understanding the information through and through by looking into the subject. Ghazali mentions that one must verify knowledge to unravel the truth. And thus, the person is able to decide whether to believe in it or not in their heart. In class we mentioned religion as an example, as some people grew up only knowing what they’ve been told is right or wrong. And do not truly understand the reasoning behind this. Through discussing religion and islam, I found it sad that in some cultures, questioning what is being taught to you regarding islam for instance,  is regarded as a horrible act. When in fact islam preaches knowledge and research.

Lastly, another point our discussion facilitators mentioned was which was the main holder of the truth? The mind or the heart? Something I had never given much thought. While personally I believe that the mind is an important aspect of reviling what you personally believe, the heart is also important as it’s what ties me to this knowledge that I know in my heart is true. Therefore to me, I find it to be a balance of both.


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