Category Archives: housekeeping

Bob Camilone Memorial Scholarship

Hongyu Zheng, a fourth year PhD student in my group, had won 2023 Transportation and Development Institute Bob Camilone Memorial Scholarship. The other recipient of the award is Adrian Hernandez, another PhD student in our transportation program.

Congratulations to both gentlemen! We take pride in their accomplishment and are confident that they  will continue to excel in his academic and professional pursuits.heir


Transportation equity

Last month my group received a one-year seed grant from Northwestern University’s McCormick Catalyst  Fund to study transportation equity.   The main idea is to  incorporate various ethical theories into  public transportation system design and analyze the implications.   The project initially  originated from my interest in the theory of justice (see my review of John Rawls’ book).  More details about the project can be found here.  Stay tuned for a forthcoming paper that summarizes some initial results.

Mehrnaz Ghamami

Last week I learned my former student, Dr. Mehrnaz Ghamami, was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at Michigan State University.  She is the second of my former students to have earned tenure.  Mehrnaz and her husband, Dr. Ali Zockaie, both graduated from our program in 2015, were hired by the same department at the same time, and are now promoted together.   I am so proud of their accomplishments and feel immensely  happy for their good fortune (to be able to always stay together in academia is no easy feat for a couple) and well deserved promotions!

Redesign transit to cope with COVID

Our paper on transit design for COVID was finally published in Transportation Research Part A.   You may also read a previous post about this paper.

The idea was initially conceived at the peak of the first wave (April 2020) and the first submission to TR-A  was made later that year (November).  In this particular case, the review process was excruciatingly long. The second round alone took more than six months, and yielded  no actionable comments.  Anyway, I am glad it ended with a positive note for Hongyuan  – this was his first publication in my group.

My first post

I finally decided that I need a research+blog type place to share my work and writing.   My student told me  Northwestern provides a web-hosting service based on WordPress.  I have a few hours to spare since it is a MLK day. The tool seems quite reasonable and hence I took the plunge.  Let’s see how it goes…