This article stemmed from a research report commissioned by World Bank back in 2019. I’ve never tried to publish it in a journal, though my friend Daizong Liu had helped translate it into Chinese and published it online through his very successful Wechat public platform (一览众山小). The article reviews the travel demand management practice in China and attempts to draw some useful lessons from it. You may read the abstract below and download the Egnlish version at ChinaTDM.
Lessons Learned from China’s Travel demand management practice
China’s car ownership has been expanding at a staggering pace in the past two decades. The rapid motorization brought unprecedented level of traffic to its densely populated cities
unprepared to accommodate it, causing severe congestion and air pollution problems. Chinese cities have responded to these challenges with sweeping travel demand management (TDM) measures. The practice of TDM in China is unique not only because it is large in scale and broad in scope, but also because it occurs against the backdrop of a fast and historical transition of the most populous country on earth. The objective of this note is to review and document this practice, discuss its outcomes and lessons, and examine what the rest of the world could learn from it.