There are breakout sessions on each day of the Lotsawa Translation Workshop with thematic tracks running across the three days:
Theme A: The Politics of Translation
Theme B: Gender and Genre
Theme C: New Directions
You are welcome to stay with one theme or select across themes.
Schedule of Events
8:30-9:00am Bagels and coffee
9:00-10:30am Keynote Address: Louise von Flotow
10:30-11:00am Tea break
11:00-12:30pm Breakout groups, Day 2
A2: Inclusive/Feminist approaches to Buddhist translation
- Janet Gyatso
- Amy Langenberg
- Dawa Lokyitsang
B2: Literary & Liturgical Representations of Women & the Feminine
- Anne Klein
- Khamo Kyid
- Padma ‘tsho
C2: Yab Yum Symbolism, Heteronormativity, and Translating Sexual Yoga
- Pema Khandro
- Julie Reagan
- Willa Baker
12:30-2:00pm Lunch (at Norris food court)
2:00-3:30pm Workshops session #3
3:30-4:00pm Tea break
4:00-5:30pm Translating the Khandro Chödzö Chenmo: A Conversation
8:30pm Tibetan Buddhist Resource Share (Hyatt House Evanston, Upper Floor)