Apply to Join the Lotsawa Translation Workshop!
The Lotsawa Translation Workshop will be limited to 25-30 participants, comparable in size to the first workshop in Boulder, based on an application process which will include a proposed text for translation. We anticipate the pool of applicants to include junior translators, graduate students with advanced Tibetan language skills, and early career faculty members, including assistant professors and postdoctoral fellows.
We would like to encourage applicants who want to workshop their translations of Tibetan works by and/or about Tibetan women. We welcome a broad array of text genres from classical to modern compositions and poetry. We encourage, though do not require, applicants to choose a text from the Mkha’ ’gro’i chos mdzod chen mo (see the table of contents here). Within this, we recommend texts from vols. 13-14; 16-18, and 50-52. Some of these texts are already being translated; please consult with us by emailing lotsawa@northwestern.edu for further information regarding specific texts in this collection.
Application Procedure
To apply for the Lotsawa Translation Workshop, you will need to submit:
- A statement of purpose explaining your interest in attending the workshop and working on the text you have selected for translation,
- An overview of your Tibetan language training listing your background in Tibetan language, including years and location of study,
- A proposed translation, providing the name of the Tibetan text and its complete bibliographic information,
- A reference from a mentor, language instructor, or advisor, including their name, institutional affiliation, position, and email.
Applications are now open and are due by June 15th. Letters of acceptance will be sent out by the end of June.
Click here to apply to the Lotsawa Workshop
There is no registration fee for the workshop. Limited travel stipends will be available to applications who do not have access to funding from their home institutions.
Translation Due Date
Draft translations and a copy of the original Tibetan text are due as PDFs by September 1st. This will give the workshop leaders and participants in small groups of 6-8 time to read each other’s translations-in-progress.