An up-to-date list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.
Bold: Lane Lab members
Navigating environmental transitions: the role of phenotypic variation in bacterial responses
Spratt M, Lane K
mBio. 2022. e0221222.
A multiplexed epitope barcoding strategy that enables dynamic cellular phenotypic screens
Kudo T, Lane K, Covert MW.
Cell Systems. 2022. S2405 – 4712 (22) 00084-9.
Simultaneous cross-evaluation of heterogeneous E. coli datasets via mechanistic simulation
Macklin DN, Horst TA, Choi H, Ruggero NA, Carrera J, Mason JC, Sun G, Agmon E, DeFelice MM, Maayan I, Lane K, Spangler RK, Gillies TE, Paull ML, Akhter S, Bray SR, Weaver DS, Keseler IM, Karp PD, Morrison JH, Covert MW.
Science. 2020. 369(6502): eaav3751.
Mechanically resolved imaging of bacteria using expansion microscopy
Lim Y, Shiver AL, Khariton M, Lane KM, Ng KM, Bray SR, Qin J, Huang KC, Wang B.
PLoS Biol. 2019. 17(10): e3000268.
Escalating threat levels of bacterial infection can be discriminated by distinct MAPK and NF-κB signaling dynamics in single host cells
Lane K, Andres-Terre M, Kudo T, Monack DM, Covert MW.
Cell Systems. 2019. 8(3): 183-196.e4.
Combinatorial processing of bacterial and host-derived innate immune stimuli at the single-cell level
Gutschow MV, Mason JC, Lane K, Maayan I, Hughey JJ, Bajar BT, Amatya DN, Valle SD, Covert MW.
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2019. 30(2): 282-292.
Measuring signaling and RNA-Seq in the same cell links gene expression to dynamic patterns of NF-κB activation
Lane K*, Van Valen D*, DeFelice MM, Macklin DN, Kudo T, Jaimovich A, Carr A, Meyer T, Pe’er D, Boutet SC, Covert MW. * Equal contribution
Cell Systems. 2017. 4(4): 458-469.e5.
Deep learning automates the quantitative analysis of individual cells in live-cell imaging experiments
Van Valen D, Kudo T, Lane K, Macklin DN, Quach NT, DeFelice MM, Maayan I, Tanouchi Y, Ashley EA, Covert MW.
Plos Computational Biology. 2016. 12(11): e1005177.