February 14 – Graduate Research Seminar
February 15 – Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
February 15 – Movie Night Fundraiser for Puerto Rico
February 19 – Not One Woman Less in Argentina: Collective Intelligence and Political Friendship
A conversation with Ximena Espeche
19 February 2018 at 5:00 pm
Northwestern University
Wirtz Seminar Room 235
1949 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL
In the 2016 and 2017 street demonstrations against gender violence, the passionate claim “All Latin America will be feminist!” was heard from Argentina to the Caribbean, from Brazil to Mexico and so on. If, according to Latin American intellectuals, regional integration has been a problem and a solution for socioeconomic, political and cultural issues, this calling provides new images and embodiments of regional and transnational coalitions. This talk will narrate the beginnings of the Ni Una Menos (Not One Women Less) movement and collective in Argentina and in Latin America since 2015. It will focus on Ni Una Menos’ manifestoes and assemblies to address what the collective terms “collective intelligence and political friendship” as feminist modalities for building political organization and structural change.
Ximena Espeche holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the National University of General Sarmiento-Institute of Economic and Social Development, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a researcher in the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and a member of the NiUnaMenos (Not One Woman Less) feminist collective. Her work focuses on the intellectual trajectories and networks within the “Information Battles” during the Second World War and the Cold War, and on US-Latin American relationships in the 1940-1970 period.
Sponsored by the Gender and Sexuality Studies Program and the Departments of Performance Studies, Communication Studies and Spanish and Portuguese