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Teach from Home/Office



In order to teach successfully from your home or office, KIS and the Digital Innovation team provides recommendations on the baseline, intermediate and advanced hardware setups that will yield the best possible experience for you and your students. 
Also, take advantage of the virtual presence excellence check.


KIS partners with the Kellogg Teaching Support team help ensure you are setup for success as you prepare to teach virtually. Please view detailed information on the Teaching Support Virtual Teaching website

Here are the following services we encourage you to take advantage of if you are teaching for the first time in the virtual format or would like a refresher.

Before the first day of class

  1. Sign up for a 1:1 session with KIS to review Zoom basics and review your home technology setup
  2. Assess your home/office technology setup (see next section), and contact KIS at with any questions
  3. Review Virtual Classroom Management guidance from your faculty colleagues on the Teaching Support website, and more detailed examples on the Digital Innovation website.
  4. Sign up for a dry run (email with your Virtual Course Moderator (VCM)

Please visit the KIS website for a detailed walkthrough of preparing to teach virtually:



Visit the Virtual Presence page for details and hardware purchase links.

1080p USB external webcam
(sharper image, plug-n-play option)

Digital SLR camera
(professional video output and settings, those comfortable with digital cameras should use this)


External mic & laptop speakers or headset

(better audio)

Professional mic, and/or lapel mic if standing


Face light

(brighter video)

3-Point studio lighting


Natural background or green screen + virtual Zoom background

Green screen/staged background


1monitors + laptop screen

2 monitors + laptop screen


iPad/pencil or tablet, Wacom tablet

iPad/pencil or tablet, Surface Pro laptop

How can we guarantee a minimum quality of the livestream experience and how can we offer a more consistent livestream experience for students across faculty?

It is important for the school to guarantee a minimum quality of the livestreamed experience by connecting with all teaching faculty and work with them to improve their virtual presence, and to make it more consistent across faculty.


Please view the Kellogg Teaching Support web site for:

  • Getting started and training opportunities
  • Virtual classroom management
  • Classroom engagement
  • Student feedback

Please view the Digital Innovation Playbook* for: 

  • A detailed manual for effective livestream teaching
  • Tips for teaching livestream
  • Faculty insights for livestreaming
  • Best practices for working with Zoom
  • Student engagement

*if you cannot access this link, enroll in the Digital Innovation Playbook Canvas course first at


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