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Category: Canvas

The Next Normal: Remote Office Hours

(article originally appeared in Northwestern’s Canvas Minute newsletter on 8/12/2021) Dr. Roberts hears the familiar chime—a student has just entered the Zoom waiting room. As she sends them a quick message to say she’ll be with them soon, she considers how efficient this process has become. She’s no longer tethered to her office for long

Updated Interface for Canvas Assignments

A heads up from the NU Canvas team that Friday, July 16, the page formatting for Canvas assignments will display an updated interface. This change is primarily cosmetic and will be visible to students in all course sites. The workflow for instructors building and evaluating assignments remains unchanged. A Canvas announcement for students will be

“Learning Apps” in Canvas Left Nav

IMPORTANT: Remove from your Canvas course left nav if not using. To simplify finding and installing supported learning apps in a Canvas course,  a new tab for NU Learning Apps is now available in the left navigation of all Canvas course sites.  Each tool you add will be its own link in the left nav.

New Rich Content Editor, Dec 2020

The Northwestern Canvas team will be enabling the new rich content editor (RCE) in Canvas on December 16, 2020.  The biggest change you will see is the removal of the right nav (to add links, files and images) and instead replaced with icons in the text editor ribbon. The new RCE replaces the current RCE

Who viewed the homework assignment?

Instructions for finding out who/how many students accessed a particular file in your Canvas site. View course access report for an individual user Canvas basic reporting tells you who last viewed a particular document and number of times they viewed it – this information is in the Access Report which you can pull by going

Canvas: student analytics tool (beta)

NU Teaching and Learning Technologies team has created a Canvas dashboard that shows when students have assignments due in other other classes. This can help you determine when to place an exam or what day of the week would work best to make an assignment due. More info here: Get it: email NU

Canvas: Pronouns Available

Pronouns have been enabled in Canvas. They appear next to a person’s name in: Comment Fields Discussions Inbox People Page (Course and Groups) User Navigation Menu User Profile Page User Settings Page To enable, any Canvas user (students, faculty, staff) should: Log in to Canvas Click on Account on the left-hand navigation Click on Settings

Canvas: See student timezones, NU Worldwide

NU Teaching and Learning Technologies team (who manages Canvas) has built a tool in Canvas that allows instructors to easily see which students are in different time zones from the instructor. NU Worldwide sorts students so that instructors can quickly view which time zones students have indicated in Canvas and use a time simulator to check