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Ishrat Fatima

Canvas: student analytics tool (beta)

NU Teaching and Learning Technologies team has created a Canvas dashboard that shows when students have assignments due in other other classes. This can help you determine when to place an exam or what day of the week would work best to make an assignment due. More info here: Get it: email NU

Canvas: Pronouns Available

Pronouns have been enabled in Canvas. They appear next to a person’s name in: Comment Fields Discussions Inbox People Page (Course and Groups) User Navigation Menu User Profile Page User Settings Page To enable, any Canvas user (students, faculty, staff) should: Log in to Canvas Click on Account on the left-hand navigation Click on Settings

Canvas: See student timezones, NU Worldwide

NU Teaching and Learning Technologies team (who manages Canvas) has built a tool in Canvas that allows instructors to easily see which students are in different time zones from the instructor. NU Worldwide sorts students so that instructors can quickly view which time zones students have indicated in Canvas and use a time simulator to check