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Faculty Created Media Repository

You have unlimited storage space on Panopto, the Kellogg institutional media platform. We recommend using Panopto to  store all your class media content, either in your My Folder or the corresponding Canvas class Panopto folder.  Additionally, you may share your content to be used by your colleagues via the Faculty Created Media Repository. This is a parent folder in Panopto containing recorded content by faculty who have chosen to make available for other faculty to view and use for their own classes. Below are instructions for uploading videos to Panopto, adding to the repository, searching and copying videos for your own class use:

Log into Panopto(Select NU ADFS and Sign in)


Uploading videos currently on my computer

Your My Folder is the default folder chosen when you upload a video to Panopto. Please note no one other than KIS Panopto Admins can view content in your My Folder. 

Optional: Create folders inside My Folder to organize content. Suggested labeling below.

New – any new recording
Editing – any video you are post-editing – trimming, adding quizzes, etc
Completed – you can quickly identify videos in this folder as the ones you want to copy to the repository folder




Steps to upload a video from your computer
  1. Navigate to your My Folder 
  2. Click the purple Create button
  3. Click Upload media file
  4. Click the grey box and select the media file on your computer
  5. Video will upload and take time to process (dependent on length of video)

I'm ready to share with my faculty colleagues

Create your folder in the Repository (one-time only)
  1. Click on Browse and click on the Faculty Created Media Repository folder
  2. Click the Create button
  3. Type in your full name for the folder name
  4. Ensure “Inherit permissions from parent folder” is checked
  5. Click the Create Folder button

Copy an existing Panopto video to your folder in the Repository
  1. Locate the video file in Panopto
  2. Hover over the image and a checkbox will appear
  3. Check this box and click the Copy button
  4. Locate your named folder in the Faculty Created Media Repository folder (if you choose another folder by mistake, just click the X to close the window and start again)
  5. Click the Copy button
  6. Video will copy and you can close the window 


Searching the Repository

  1. Click on Browse in the left nav
  2. Click on the Faculty Created Media Repository folder
  3. Enter general search terms in the search bar, i.e faculty name, class name, department, “financial modeling”, etc
  4. To search by faculty, click on their folder name in the Faculty Created Media Repository folder
  5. Browse through videos or enter a search term (it will search just within that faculty folder)

Copying from the Repository

  1. Locate the file in the Repository you want to copy
  2. Hover over the image and a check box will appear
  3. Click the checkbox and click the Copy button
  4. Choose My Folder and click the purple Copy button
  5. Close the window when you see Done appear
  6. The copy will appear in your My Folder, and have the word (copy) added to the title

Get Help

Panopto is the media hosting platform used at Kellogg. All common media types are supported, full list here. It is recommended that you host your media files on Panopto and link to it or embed them in Canvas. For assistance with the repository, schedule time to meet with KIS 1:1.


How to record and post short videos using Panopto

Download Online Videos for a Presentation (YouTube, etc)

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