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Zoom Update 5.7.0: Share Screen to all Breakout Rooms & more

The latest version of Zoom is version 5.7.0 – view instructions to update your Zoom client. Following are 3 notable updates introduced in Zoom which you may want to take advantage of this quarter.

  • Share screen to all Breakout Rooms – Windows, macOS, Linux
    When sharing screen in the main session, the host or co-host can share their screen to all active Breakout Rooms. Any active sharing in the breakout sessions are interrupted and any annotation or whiteboarding prompts the sharer to save them before viewing the shared screen from the host. Host and participants must be on version 5.7.0 or higher to utilize and see this feature.
  • Secure share with window filtering – Windows
    Found in the Advanced section of the Screen Share settings, this additional screen capture mode prevents background information, such as windows seen when minimizing a window and maximizing another, from being unintentionally shared. This will only share the content of the window.
  • Improved iPad visual experience – iOS (iPad only)
    Various enhancements to the visual experience of the Zoom mobile app on iPads, taking advantage of the additional screen space and aligning some items with the desktop experience.

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