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Zoom Share Only Slides using PPT Presenter View or Keynote Presenter Mode

Here is a quick workaround if you only have one screen for content and want to use Presenter View in PowerPoint or Presenter Mode in Keynote, while only showing the active slide to your students.

Zoom has a sharing feature called “Portion of Screen”, that when selected shows a green box on your screen which you can drag over your active slide in presenter view on your screen. This way, only you see your notes and next slide, and your students only see the content inside that green box (i.e the active slide).

  1. Open Zoom –> click Share Screen –> Advanced Tab –> select “Portion of Screen” –> click Share button.
    1. You do this first so the Zoom toolbar is visible after you go into Presenter view (which takes up your entire screen).
  2. Open PowerPoint or Keynote, and go to Presenter View or Presenter Mode.
  3. Expand the Green Box so it just covers your active slide.

REMEMBER: Anything that is visible to you inside this green box is visible to everyone. Please make sure to stop sharing when done.


Your View (see green box around Active Slide)
Student View (picture from Zoom session on iPhone, only Active Slide is visible)


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