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Faculty-to-Faculty Insights

NU’s Keep Teaching video series

In the new Keep Teaching video series, Northwestern instructors (several Kellogg faculty are featured) share their insights into teaching online. Gathered from interviews with faculty members across schools and disciplines, the 12-part series, produced by Northwestern IT Media & Technology Innovation in partnership with Teaching & Learning Technologies, offers practical and actionable tips, best practices, and solutions. Tune in to hear from fellow instructors on topics such as setting student expectations, managing large synchronous classes, utilizing discussion boards, and handling quizzes and exams.

Watch Brenda, Adam and Achal share their insights on the following topics and other ones listed on the Keep Teaching video series,.

Brenda Booth, Online Quizzes and Exams       Adam Pah, Teaching Synchronous vs Asynchronous

Achal Bassamboo, Student Cameras On or Off

Watch the full 12-part series >


Kellogg Executive MBA Program: Remote Learning Experience

As virtual learning continues for EMBA, we checked in with faculty and students across the country.
Check out what Craig Wortmann & students have to say.


The Secrets Of Kellogg’s Hybrid Learning Success

The three-page article in Poets & Quants emphasizes Kellogg’s collaborative, innovative process in launching its hybrid learning model, and the importance of leveraging student feedback and partnership along the way. The article includes several images, interviews with Mohan Sawhney, Jeron Swinkels and Mike Mazzeo and a CIM video depicting the hybrid experience, as well as links to the student-authored op-ed from several weeks ago that discusses “overwhelmingly positive” Kellogg student feedback.

The Secrets Of Kellogg’s Hybrid Learning Success


Check out other faculty-to-faculty insights on hybrid teaching and teaching virtually:

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