Last week from Sunday to Thursday I was in the beautiful coastal town of Cartagena! Here are the pictures I was able to take of the lovely architecture and enchanting beaches:


Then there was this picture:

And we saw many statues and beaches:

And as we were driving around, guess what we saw. A granular heap!


I’ll make a post soon about my trip to the Museo del Oro. I went there the day before I left for Cartagena and the spectacles were absolutely spectacular. Watch:

That’s a conch shell that’s been plated with gold. Even more exciting, it was treated hundreds of years ago. Stay posted for more AMAZING pics!



Finally, I know that it may be difficult to believe that I’m getting ANY work done at this rate. Here’s some proof:

I’ve been learning to use the industrial electrical sensor to measure capacitance, resistance, and impedence in samples. That’s a quick picture of the readings that it outputs. I’m really liking the aesthetic.



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