Tuesday, September 17th
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM — Optional after-dinner gathering at 2034 Orrington Avenue, Evanston (Ken’s house)
Wednesday, September 18th
Room 5101 in the Global Hub, 2211 Campus Drive, Northwestern University, Evanston IL 60208
8:15 AM — Breakfast and socializing
9:00 AM — First day begins
- Ken — Practical issues, introductory comments, and welcome activities
- Penny — Differential impacts of TMR in REM and SWS
- Bjorn — Chances and limits of TMR
- Xiaoqing — TMR meta-analysis
- Philippe — TMR at the cost of spontaneous memory consolidation?
- Bernhard — Ups and downs of TMR: Strengthening or weakening memory traces?
12:00 to 1:00 — Lunch
Brief Talks:
- Adrianna, Judith, Kristin, Laura S., Rebeca S.O., Cagri
Coffee Break
Break-Out Groups
- formed to discuss various individual topics based on group survey to select the best topics
- each group charged with presenting key issues to everyone when we re-convene the next morning
6:30 PM — Dinner at Five & Dime’s rooftop deck (1026 Davis St, Evanston, IL 60201) with games and fun social interactions.
Thursday , September 19th
Room 5101 in the Global Hub, 2211 Campus Drive, Northwestern University, Evanston IL 60208
8:15 AM — Breakfast and socializing
9:00 AM — Second day begins
- Eitan — Multiple memories simultaneously reactivated as effectively as a single memory
- Bethany — Cued reactivation of visuospatial memory during sleep in young and older adults
- Gideon — Hippocampal and cortical mechanisms linking sensation and memory in the rodent
- James — Memory reactivation: What does it look like and what does it do?
- Scott — Do you trust this face? Using TMR to investigate incidentally-learned trust
Coffee Break
Report-Back — presentations from each break-out group, plus discussion
12:00 to 1:00 — Lunch
Special Talk
- Bob — Targeted Dream Reactivation (TDR)
Brief Talks:
- Adam, Claudia, Anat, Laura B., Karen, others?
Coffee Break
Panel Discussion: The Future of TMR, File Drawer Effects, and Boundary Conditions
Note: Print-outs of the final schedule will be available for everyone at the meeting
and it will include titles for all the brief talks.