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Michael Jiang

New Wound Care Initiative

Dr. Gates and Dr. Astik are the physician leads for a project aimed at improving wound recognition, prevention and documentation. Please see the one-page informational sheet and word document for key background information and the updated process for all wounds. This initiative will be piloted on the medical floors and MICU, with increased Wound, Ostomy,

AQSI Project Applications AY 2022-2023

FY23_CR_AQSI_App_Details On behalf of Dr. Abra Fant and Dr. Kevin O’Leary we are excited to announce that Central Region AQSI applications are open (see attached flyer). Project applications are due on June 17th, 2022. The attached PDF has additional program details. Please forward this message to any colleagues that would be interested, or to anyone you feel would be great for the program. If you are interested in applying

Cellulitis Image Capture!

Cellulitis-Image-Capture (1) Some of our hospital medicine faculty have been working on a system-wide PI project to standardize inpatient care for cellulitis, with the goal of reducing hospital length of stay. The key intervention for this project is a new Storyboard alert in Epic to remind physicians to upload a clinical image through Haiku or

AQSI Project Go-Live! Leggo My Echo!

Hello team!   As part of the AQSI Central program last year, our project called Leggo My Echo had the goal to reduce the overuse of inpatient echos (TTE’s) for low-risk, non-cardiac syncope. Mike Jiang and Pamela Wax helped develop this initiative under the leadership of David Goese, one of the hospital medicine attendings here at NMH.

Epic Improvements – Discharge Medication Price Checks

Discharge Medication Price Checks – New Workflow Starting Sunday, March 6th – When e-prescribing discharge medications for a patient, Epic’s Real Time Prescription Benefits (RTPB) can be used to prescribe the most cost effective medication for the patient. Occasionally, RTPB may not provide cost information, prompting the need for an e-prescription to the Pharmacy for

Quality Equity Measure (NEW) – Flu Vaccination

Northwestern Medicine recently released its first set of quality equity metrics (both across the organization and for individual physicians), focused on influenza vaccination rates in the primary care setting. This is an important example of how QI can address disparities in care – more to come on this area in the future! Some key take-home

Get involved – join a QI subcommittee!

Hey Team! If you’re a current PGY2 or PGY3, consider joining a QI subcommittee! Whether it’s gaining a deeper understanding of a subspecialty you’re interested in or getting a unique perspective on hospital leadership and operations, the QI subcommittees are a low-stress and valuable way to learn and get involved. See here for a list

TWDFNR: Serologic H. pylori Testing

Hey team! I am writing to share a high-value care pearl this week from the Things We Do For No Reason (TWDFNR) series! For those who haven’t read before, the Journal of Hospital Medicine’s TWDFNR series was inspired by ABIM’s Choosing Wisely Campaign and highlights practices that have become common in medicine but don’t necessarily

Chicago Health Alert Network: Legionella Rising

We received an update from healthcare epidemiologists on a rise in Legionella detected in the community in Chicago. 16 cases have been reported to the Chicago Department of Public Health since July 1st 2021 and are currently under investigation. Here are a few clinical pearls: -Consider Legionella in anybody presenting with a pneumonia. Risk factors