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Quality Equity Measure (NEW) – Flu Vaccination

Northwestern Medicine recently released its first set of quality equity metrics (both across the organization and for individual physicians), focused on influenza vaccination rates in the primary care setting. This is an important example of how QI can address disparities in care – more to come on this area in the future!

Some key take-home points on influenza vaccination:

  • Black, Hispanic and American Indian persons have higher rates of severe influenza infection (#1)
  • Last year at NMH, our AA patients declined the flu vaccine at twice the rate of their white peers
  • There are various reasons patients don’t get the vaccine – many of which are actionable

What you can do to help reduce disparities in flu vaccination rates:

  • There is evidence that a strong recommendation from you as their physician makes a difference! (#2)
  • Review this tip sheet on how to counsel patients with different concerns about the flu vaccine–Myths-Facts–FINAL-8-30-21–002-.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=taiFez

  • Review this video that can be shared with staff and patients alike





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