IsoLight: Single Cell and Multiplexed Proteomics
- IsoCode chips automate test single cellular proteomics with high quality results.
- CodePlex chips assay highly multiplexed proteomics with all ELISA procedures performed automatically
- Explore immune cells from human or mouse
- Up to 30 cytokines, 8 IsoCode or CodePlex chips per run can be loaded
- If you need more information, please go to website:
- Staff-assisted Sample Preparation
- Staff-assisted Sample Loading
- Staff-assisted Data Analysis
- Training provided
- Self-service (only after training )
- IsoLight Requisition Form
- Isolight single cell secretome system
- Proteolytic regulation of CD73 by TRIM21 orchestrates tumor immunogenicity. Fu et. al. Sci Adv. 2023 Jan; 9(1): eadd6626.
- doi: 10.1126/sciadv.add6626
- The polyfunctionality and polyfunctional strength index indicated by relative abundance and composition of secreted cytokines at the single-cell level was measured by IsoPlexis IsoLight assays.
- Isolight single cell secretome system
- Benign tumors in TSC are amenable to treatment by GD3 CAR T cells in mice. JCI Insight. 2021;6(22):e152014