Michaela Kleber, whose “’No Cause for Distrust’: Gender Plurality in Illinois-French First Contacts,” is the cover article in the September issue of TheContinue reading
Tag: Gender and Sexuality History
Dyan Elliott’s book, The Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy is awarded the Medieval Academy of America’s Haskins Medal for 2023
Dyan Elliott’s book, The Corrupter of Boys: Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy, U of Pennsylvania 2020, has been awardedContinue reading
Kate Masur on pre-Civil War history and the coming abortion battle
Kate Masur published an article entitled, “What pre-Civil War tells us about the coming abortion battle,” in The Washington Post inContinue reading
Susan Pearson’s article on nonbinary birth certificates in The Atlantic
Susan Pearson has published an article entitled “Oklahoma’s Ban on Nonbinary Birth Certificates Isn’t Just Cruel. It’s Ahistorical” in theContinue reading