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Book Talk by Maria Repnikova: Chinese Soft Power

“Chinese soft power” a book by Maria Repnikova discusses China’s approach to soft power and its different characteristics. During the book talk, she addressed several aspects of soft power, comparison of Chinese soft power with other types of soft power and what Chinese soft power looks like in practice. According to Repnikova Chinese soft power is a strategy that involves state actors as well as private actors and the general public. Chinese soft power is often known for its presence through the media, cultural activities and educational outreach. All of this combined is aimed at achieving a good international image of China. When it comes to educational exchanges, China is known for offering and setting up Confucius institutes in developing countries around Africa and Asia. Repnikova also talked about the presence of such institutes in Ethiopia, which was new information to me. As someone who was born and raised in the country, I had some understanding of China’s influence in the country’s economy. This was mainly observed in different Chinese owned construction sites and businesses around the capital. It was also common to hear about Chinese businessmen buying shares of major companies in the country. When it comes to Chinese language schools and other educational initiatives in Ethiopia, they are often criticized by the public as they are believed to promote political propaganda. Some Ethiopian scholars even mentioned how they promote Chinese communist ideology in television interviews. Repnikova also highlighted how Chinese soft power strategy involves a high focus in infrastructure which in some ways is used as a tool to improve the public’s opinion. The example discussed was investments in public projects like a football stadium that is being constructed in the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. Although I have no knowledge of the construction of such a stadium, it does make sense as to how that can be used to improve public opinion and create a good international image of China. When such projects are given as gifts, the public can easily become influenced. Another aspect of Chinese soft power that was discussed in the book talk was in comparison with US’s definition of soft power. According to the author the US soft power is often focuses on US foreign policy and it is usually external. On the other hand, the Chinese soft power is both internal and external through efforts of shaping public’s opinion externally and creation of cultural security internally. This two-way effort can be practical and effective in creating a good image of China. Generally, the term soft power by itself is often seen as something negative. But it is important to note that it is neither positive or negative although a country’s approach and strategy of soft power determines its effect on the world. Chinese soft power has been historically subject to a lot of debates and criticisms around the world. And it is often associated with propaganda and manipulation. Regardless, it is also important to highlight some positive efforts like business relations and educational opportunities it brings for people.

Reference: Repnikova, Maria. Chinese Soft Power. Cambridge University Press, 2022.