Time: 11:00 AM – 11:20 AM, 11:30 AM –11:50 AM, 2:30 PM – 2:50 PM, and 3:00 PM – 3:20 PM (4 twenty minute tours, repeat sessions)
Location: Start at University Library, Information Commons
Led By: Jason Nargis, Special Collections Librarian for Instruction and Curriculum, j-nargis@northwestern.edu
The McCormick Library of Special Collections and University Archives is home to many of the Libraries’ rarest materials, including manuscripts, archives, prints, artifacts, and all materials pertaining to Northwestern’s history. The McCormick Library’s holdings are non-circulating and are open to the public for research and reference.
Time: 11:00 AM – 11:20 AM, 11:30 AM – 11:50 AM, 2:30 PM – 2:50 PM, and 3:00 PM – 3:20 PM (4 twenty minute tours, repeat sessions)
Location: Start at University Library, Information Commons
Led By: Rachel Cole, Librarian, rachel.cole@northwestern.edu
Containing over 500,000 items, the Transportation library’s scope encompasses all transportation modalities, including air, rail, highway, pipeline, water, urban transport and logistics.
Time: 11:00 AM – 11:45 PM
Location: Start at University Library, Information Commons
Led By: Anne Zald, Librarian, anne.zald@northwestern.edu and Mech Frazier, Geospatial and Cartographic Specialist, mechell.frazier@northwestern.edu
The Government and Geographic Information Collection contains materials produced by the U.S. Federal government, the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago and several international governmental organizations, including the United Nations. Our extensive map collection is complemented by geospatial services supporting the use of GIS software for data analysis and visualization.
Time: 11:00 AM – 11:20 AM, 11:30 AM – 11:50 AM, 2:30 PM – 2:50 PM, and 3:00 PM – 3:20 PM (4 twenty minute tours, repeat sessions)
Location: Start at University Library, Information Commons
Led By: Florence Mugambi, African Studies Librarian, florence.mugambi@northwestern.edu
Established in 1954, the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies at Northwestern University is the largest separate Africana collection in existence. Its scope is as wide as the continent of Africa itself; its subject matter ranges from art, history, literature, music, science, technology and religion to communications, engineering, management and cooking. The Africana collection is a resource for the entire university, and most of Northwestern’s disciplinary programs are reflected in the collection. In addition to serving the NU community, the Herskovits Library also serves regional, national and international scholars.
Time: 2:30 PM – 3:15 PM
Location: Start at University Library, Information Commons or the North Entrance of Mudd Hall
Led By: Steve Adams, Librarian for Graduate and Postdoctoral Initiatives, smadams@northwestern.edu
Located on North Campus, the Seeley G. Mudd Library is designed with collaboration in mind. The space provides an array of digital assets and tools that are consistent with Mudd’s tech-focused history. Private and communal areas allow for many study space options, and library experts are available to assist in a variety of fields, such as engineering, math and life, physical and computer sciences.