by mjb843 | Apr 29, 2014 | Domestic, Global Health, GlobeMed, International, Policy, Public Health
By Michael Zingman We hear about immunizations in the news. We are encouraged to get vaccinated. We hear friends and family talking about how they just “never got vaccinated” for something. We then hear about outbreaks and re-emergence of vaccine-preventable diseases....
by mjb843 | Dec 7, 2012 | Domestic, Foreign Relations, Global Health, International, Public Health, Social Justice
To celebrate World AIDS Day, take a listen to the following inspirational StoryCorps presentation: For more coverage of the day’s events, news, stories, and to get...
by mjb843 | Oct 20, 2011 | Global Health, International, Public Health
Malaria, transmitted by infected Anopheles mosquitoes, causes more than 780,000 deaths each year. The deaths occur disproportionately in Africa, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa. Conventional malaria prevention methods include insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs)...
by mjb843 | Feb 24, 2011 | Global Health, GlobeMed, International, Public Health, Social Justice
A worthy organization recently brought to the chapter’s attention is Tiyatien Health, a not-for-profit that works to rebuild the failed health system of Liberia. Liberia is still struggling to recover from a horrific civil war that ended in 2003. Tiyatien...
by mjb843 | Dec 6, 2010 | Foreign Relations, Global Health, International, Policy, Public Health
In many ways, Paris is not so different from New York, Chicago, or any major city in the United States. There are all the modern amenities, locals are chic and cosmopolitan and pop culture in Europe has largely molded itself around American media. The one thing people...
by mjb843 | Nov 11, 2010 | Domestic, Global Health, International, Public Health