Check out this great op-ed article about the SARS outbreak in 2003 and how the key to preventing its spread was through open dialogue and active communication, and ignoring what might have been politically smart in favor of the common good.  Just more proof that one of the most effective tools for getting things done in a timely manner in the political system is to present it as a public health issue; presenting it as such will be far less controversial.

Thanks to everyone who donated yesterday to our Global Giving website!  We will have the totals for you later.  Additionally, keep an eye out for the winter quarter newsletter, coming very soon!!


Finally, here’s another fantastic reflection on what GlobeMed means to me, this time presented by Jerry Luo, senior and current Co-Director of Communications:


“GlobeMed has been one of the highlights of my college career and the people I have met here have truly inspired me in their dedication to global health and improving the world. As a senior board member, I have seen just how much individuals pour into this organization and I am honored to have served with them. Looking ahead to life after college is scary for most, but our choices in the past four years have shaped who we are and want we want to do in life. As a pre-medical student taking a year off, I have a wide variety of options and have been encouraged by our work here at GlobeMed to look into global-health related opportunities. For example, I have been exploring Master’s in Public Health degree programs, dual MD/MPH programs, and jobs related to global health such as the Global Health Corps or volunteering with various global health organizations like GlobeMed. Medical schools are increasingly looking for academic diversity among applicants and many experts already argue that global health classes should be pre-med requirements in college. Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine’s Center for Global Health is a testament to the rise of global health curriculum in medical schools. Although I am strongly committed to attending medical school, I just as strongly believe that studying global health will make me a better doctor. Ultimately, I would like to be a doctor that occasionally serves as a volunteer overseas, helping third world countries and disaster areas. And I know that GlobeMed has helped me set off on the right path.”