Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and a nice break from work and school and the like.

A bunch of links today:

First, a wonderful piece about the mental and physical health of Americans during the recession written by a former Northwestern student and member of GlobeMed’s National Office for The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/11/how-the-recession-improved-life-expectancy-but-didnt-make-us-healthier/265401/

Next, an update from Alyssa Smaldino, the Director of Partnerships at the National Office, who, along with Executive Director of the National Office Maya Cohen, is visiting thirteen partners and a handful of potential partners in six different nations across the African continent.  One of the communities Alyssa and Maya are planning to visit is GlobeMed at Northwestern’s proud new partner: the Adonai Child Development Center in Namugoga, Uganda:http://globemed.org/visiting-partners-in-africa-another-step-toward-globemeds-vision/?utm_source=GlobeMed+Newsletter+Master+List&utm_campaign=f838a8a7cc-Vol_3_Issue_19_30_2012&utm_medium=email

An interesting article about the slow but steady decline of HIV/AIDS across the world and what still needs to be done to fight the epidemic:http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2012/11/21/165640328/world-aids-epidemic-slows-but-fight-stalls-in-parts-of-asia

Finally, we are looking forward to the end of the quarter here at Northwestern, and as such we have begun preparation on our fall quarter newsletter.  We expect it to be published and available online in two weeks’ time!

In this season of giving, we continue to ask for your donations to support the Adonai Child Development Center in Uganda: http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/increase-public-health-and-sanitation-in-uganda/

Alternatively, we are also looking for donations to our brand new Web Thrift page:http://globemednu.webthriftstore.com/