Check out this great video, created by GlobeMed’s own Tiffany Wong!

It highlights our recent ‘guerrilla marketing’ campaign to promote the World Day of Social Justice (which is happening tomorrow, February 20th) on the Northwestern campus. We gave out over 450 balloons, each with a though-provoking statistic about global inequity on it, to Northwestern students to carry around with them or to tie somewhere on campus. Seeing all of those brightly-colored balloons was a great way to get people talking about social justice and our responsible call to action as undergraduate students. Students even had the opportunity to share what they believe is a universal human right by signing our large banner in Norris as they picked up a balloon. We are looking forward to continuing the dialogue we’ve started at tomorrow’s World Day of Social Justice Unity Conference. Stay tuned for more updates…


(Many thanks to Sasha Jones, Emily Bauersfeld, and Joey Gill for their incredible leadership on this balloon campaign!)