Just wanted to post some interesting New York Times articles about recent nutrition related initiatives here in America…

“Wal-Mart Shifts Strategy to Promote Healthy Foods”—Title is pretty self explanatory, but basically Wal-Mart has just drafted a 5-year plan to improve the nutritional content of their food brand. Click here for full article! http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/20/business/20walmart.html?pagewanted=1

“Food Makers Devise Own Label Plan”—following the suggestion of Ms. Obama, the food industry is creating nutrition labels with important nutrition information to be displayed on the front of boxes. while proponents regards this initiative as a good first step to educating consumers about what is in their foods, critics worry that the way the labels are made and the information that is provided may be confusing or may convey misleading information to consumers. Click here for full article! http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/25/business/25label.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1296003857-vcI1fpn7Mrs2+4X0JAHEgQ


-Heather Polonsky