So what do we do when we take a break from the days at the H.O.P.E. Center? Well
for starters, we boarded a packed church bus last Thursday to Mt. Gemi, the tallest mountain
in Ghana. We arrived at 8:30 am for the 9:00 bus which we boarded at 11:00 and departed at
12:00 for the village at the foot of the mountain. We got there around 2:00 pm and left for the
hike at 3:30 pm. People are in no rush here!

The breathtaking view from the top of Mt. Gemi. Photo courtesy of Joey Gill.

But like everywhere else in Ghana, the view was wonderful (the picture is for proof).
With windows open and cameras ready, we had quite the experience (complete with branches
from the bordering trees swatting us in the face) on the bus ride up the rocky dirt road. The
climb itself was no different. There were old women in dresses and sandals passing us
and other people running up the mountain. When they get moving they move quickly! Some of
us were even called “slow Indian girl” coughReemacough.

The top of the mountain is a prayer spot so we huddled around the giant iron cross for
a group picture. How nice! The view was amazing. No matter how many photos I took, the
camera could not quite capture the majesty of the landscape. GROW team next year, go to
mount Gemi!

Oh, and Allyson got her third marriage proposal on top of the mountain.


GlobeMed at Northwestern GROW trip members at the top of Mt. Gemi with Ghanaian friends. Photo courtesy of Joey Gill.