From London, England to Florence, Italy and all the way to Rabat, Morocco the warmth that derives from the shades of Red and Orange shines through. A set of hues that exuberate disinhibition, positivity and passion. We see its strongest embodiment in the image from Morocco, where the cohort of women is joyfully centered around the orange backdrop and the two Orange triangles that pop out of the screen. Their elation is palpable and accentuated by the warm setting they are within. In London, we see the vibrance that the sharply red phone booths bring to the scene. Fitting for a stall that assists in human connection, the red starkly contrasts the gothic background and introduces vitality to our eyes. As we move to Italy, we can see that when paired with brown hues, the red/orange colorway elicits a fiery display of maturity and elegance. The buildings’ colors grab our attention and reveal to us an institution built to contain passionate discourse. The interplay between these colors transcend location and unify us in their expression.