Looking for remote lessons for your students? Check out these options, more coming soon!
Programming with Python
IDEASpy is a beginner Python course tailored to those interested in scientific computing and data science. The course is presented in the form of Jupyter notebooks and assumes no prior knowledge of Python. Each module introduces a new larger topic in Python, as well as at least one challenge set at the completion of module sections. Visit the CIERA GitHub page to begin.
Wrestling of Stars at Close Encounters
Introduce students to N-body simulations and Python in this fully remote lesson. Students can view the N-body Simulator PowerPoint deck and follow the directions in the N-body Simulation Tutorial.
Teachers can obtain the full lesson plan for NGSS standards addressed, background, teaching notes, and more at this link.
Why Does an Astronomer go to Antarctica?
Paul Williams, a PhD student in Astrophysics at Northwestern, had a BLAST in Antarctica. Why did an astronomer travel to Antarctica for research? Watch this video and find out!
Life Science:
Simulating Human Population Dynamics
Students can access the Human Population Dynamics model on the web-based version of NetLogo found here. Download the Simulating Human Population Dynamics handout and follow the instructions.
Teachers can obtain the full lesson plan for NGSS standards addressed, exit slips, assessment materials, background information and teaching notes at this link.